Jesus Is the Reason for the Season

Text: Matthew 1:21-23
Introduction: Is Jesus the “Reason for the Season” only at CHRISTmas time? But isn’t He the Reason for every season (Eccl 3:1-7)? After all, He is the Creator.
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Gen 1:14).
What makes this CHRISTmas season so special? Covid-19 has drastically changed things this year….family gatherings may be limited; health concerns are at the top of the list for most families. Physical affection may be hindered due to the virus. Some are opting not to meet or to Zoom with the family. Whatever decision each family makes, the words of Matthew’s gospel are comforting to our hearts, and remind us that “JESUS is The Reason for this and every Season.”
1. Jesus is WITH us! (Matt 1:23)
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God is with us.”
What a comforting word!
Oh to know Jesus is with us…
When you are hurting… Jesus is with us!
When you don’t understand…. Jesus is with us!
When you feel lonely…. Jesus is with us!
When you are troubled…. Jesus is with us!
When you are needing a friend… Jesus is with us!
When you are afraid ….. Jesus is with us!
When you feel unworthy… Jesus is with us!
When you need courage… Jesus is with us!
When you need peace… Jesus is with us!
When you feel rejected… Jesus is with us!
When you are persecuted… Jesus is with us!
When you’ve failed…. Jesus is with us!
When you need wisdom… Jesus is with us!
When you need healing… Jesus is with us!
2. Jesus died FOR us! (Matt 1:21)
“21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Personal Application:
“I can, I will, I do believe, that Jesus died for me. And on the cross, He shed His BLOOD, for sin, to SET me FREE!”
3. Jesus FORETOLD us! (Matt 1:22)
“22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet.”
Personal Application:
The Bible is unfolding before our very eyes. In this case, Isaiah pre-wrote history when he predicted a virgin would have a baby. He would be named Jesus. God’s Word is trustworthy! It is 100% accurate. Therefore, we can stake our life on what the Bible predicts will happen in the future, as well as what has happened in the past, not to mention how we need to trust Jesus in the present.
* left heaven’s worship to come to the earth’s wrath
* left heaven’s adoration to come to the earth’s abomination
* left heaven’s blessedness to come to the earth’s bareness
* left heaven’s delight to come to earth’s degradation
* left heaven’s coronation to come to the earth’s curses
* left heaven’s rejoicing to come to the earth’s reviling
* left heaven’s shouts to come to the earth’s sneers
* left heaven’s hallelujahs to come to the earth’s hostility
* left heaven’s majesty to come to the earth’s misery
* left heaven’s praise to come to the earth’s persecution
That spells…..Jesus WITH us, FOR us, and FORETOLD us. What a SAVIOR! JESUS is the “REASON for EVERY SEASON”!
Love y’all,
Dr. Randy Reese