The Impossible Turned Into Possible
Text: Mark 10:27
The other supernatural phenomena I have witnessed are those who our Lord chose not to give physical healing but rather to take them to their heavenly home…..and the “AMAZING PEACE” and “GRACE” that the Holy Spirit extended in their time of need was incomprehensible (Phil 4:6, 7).
If our Lord Jesus can:
1. Create something out of nothing! (Gen 1:1)
2. Part the Red Sea! (Exo 12-14)
3. Make a donkey speak! (Num 22)
4. Cause an axe head to swim! (2Kings 6)
5. Multiply 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread to feed 5,000 people besides women & children! (John 6)
6. Raise the dead – Lazarus, Widow’s son, Jairus daughter! (John 11; Luke 7; Mark 5)
7. Cast out demons! (Mark 5)
8. Open blind eyes – Bartimaeus! (Mark 10)
9. Heal leprosy! (Luke 17)
10. Create a baby with a woman without a man – Mary! (Luke 1)
The Winds and the waves must obey His Voice! (Mark 4)
He sits on the circle of the earth….He hangs it in outer space.
He holds everything together with His strong arm.
He causes the sun to shine the moon to give its light.
The heavens declare His glory. (Psalm 19:1, 2)
He has named and numbered all the stars!
He will come again in the clouds of heaven, and we shall behold Him (1John 3:1-3; 1Thess 4:16-18).
He will return as the KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS! (Rev 19:11-16)
He will smite the nations that come against Him (Rev 19), and His enemies will be made His footstool!
He has determined and decree to make a new heaven and a new earth (2Pet 3:10-14).
He will rule and reign for 1,000 years on His throne in Jerusalem (Rev 20).
He will dwell in the New Jerusalem with all of His people forever! (Rev 21,22)
Jesus is coming QUICKLY! (Rev 22:12-21)