Thankful or Critical?
Text: Romans 14:1-23
1. A “THANKFUL CHRISTian” does not point his or her finger and accuse a brother or sister! (Rom 14:1-7)
“1Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. 2For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. 3Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. 4Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. 5One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. 6He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it.”
2. A “THANKFUL CHRISTian” does point to being accountable to Jesus Christ at His JUDGEMENT SEAT! (Rom 14:7-12)
“7For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. 8For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. 9For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. 10But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”
3. A “THANKFUL CHRISTian” is always aware of not being a STUMBLING BLOCK but a STEPPING STONE! (Rom 14:13-23)
“Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way….. 21It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. “
Personal Application: The sooner we realize that other CHRISTians are watching us, the better off we will be. Either we become STEPPING STONES or STUMBLING BLOCKS.
Conclusion: Will you ask the question, am I a STEPPING STONE or a STUMBLING BLOCK to my fellow believers? What do I need to confess to the Lord for cleansing? Where do I need to be more cautious because others are observing me?
- How we talk
- Where we go
- Who we hang around
- How we act
- What we do and don’t do
- How we treat people (Walmart, Ingles, Larry’s, Church, School, Home)