Oct '24
Israel Born in a Day
Oct '24
Introduction: Israel was born in a day. That day was May 14, 1948. Prime Minister Ben Gurion announced to the world that Israel had become a nation once again. Although she had been scattered throughout the four quarters of the world in 70 A.D. because of the Romans invasion and destruction of the temple, she returned (Aliyah) once again to her homeland.
What this means…
1. It means God has a Plan for Israel! (Lev 25:23) – “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.”
This means that Israel owns a piece of real estate that God gave them. By the way, it’s not for sale! Neither is our testimony of our relationship with Jesus Christ, no matter the persecution.
2. It means God Chose Israel! (Ezek 36:24,28) – “For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land… And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.”
This was God’s selective sovereignty. Therefore, He wants and deserves the glory. As His Church, we are to give Him Glory! Be sure to remember that. This means that God’s Word has been fulfilled in the past and is being fulfilled in the present but it will be fulfilled in the future! Rest assure, He is in control!
Conclusion: Isaiah the prophet declares Israel would be born in a day. Our Lord’s promise to keep His Covenant with Israel assures us today that Jesus Christ will keep His promise with His Church.
Love y’all,
Pastor Randy Reese