Heirs of His Inheritance!

Introduction: You are rich if you are a CHRISTian! What do you mean by that? The apostle Paul wanted the believers in Ephesus to know and understand what they had in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ. He piles one benefit upon another one as he describes this New Life in Christ.
Keep in mind, those in Ephesus were opposing the great temple of Dianna and the popularity of that pagan idolatry.
1. Heavenly Benefits! (Eph 1:3) – What are spiritual blessings? Why not count them?
  • How do you calculate the VALUE of the PEACE of God?(John 14:1-27; Phil 4:6,7; Col 3:15; Rom 5:1; Col 1:20)
  • How can we measure a CLEAR CONSCIOUS?
  • What does ASSURANCE of heaven mean to a Christian?
  • How much would a soul PAY for FORGIVENESS of SIN?
  • Can rubies or diamonds purchase being RECONCILED to our Creator God?
  • What about the capacity to be FREE from Being Bitten with BITTERNESS?
  • How much does it mean to be able to give away the GREATEST GIFT of all – ETERNAL LIFE?
2. Earthly Blessings! (Eph 1:4-12)
  • Chosen in Him
  • Predestined because of Him
  • Adopted into His family
  • Accepted in the Beloved (Highly bestowed favor)
  • Redeemed by His blood
  • Sealed by His Spirit

Think about all that. Can you beat it?

Conclusion: Now after listing just some of the benefits of being a CHRISTIAN, would you not agree that we as believers in Jesus Christ are wealthy?
Praise the Lord!
Love y’all,
Pastor Randy Reese