Where Revival Starts

Bottom line: REVIVAL starts when we get on our knees and PRAY! Are you willing to pray for personal revival? National revival? Community-wide revival? Church-wide revival?
Writing to believers in Rome—comprised of both Jews and Gentiles—Paul urges them to pray with and for him. Does that make sense? In other words, Christians ought to be praying for each other as well as for the work of the ministry.
Are you praying for someone right now? If not, why not? Have you become self-absorbed with things going on in your circle? Admittedly, at times we do!
Why pray? To be protected!
“That I may be delivered from them…” The word delivered (ῥύομαι – rhýomai) literally means to rescue or save—to be delivered from danger, destruction, or distress.
Does anyone reading this devotion need to be delivered?
Why pray? To be productive!
Look at the phrase “my service.” Prayer empowers the believer to be fruitful.
What will the Lord do in answer to prayer? Give joy and rest!
Are you in need of refreshing, renewal, or revival? How about God’s peace in your mind and body?
The word “refreshed” (συναναπαύομαι – synanapáuomai) means to find rest together—indicating that the believers in Rome would also experience rest as they prayed.
What will the Lord do in answer to prayer? Give peace of mind and peace in our body!
Conclusion: Will you strike the match that lights a REVIVAL in your heart? Then, will you let it burn and light others with the fires of REVIVAL?