Calling All Intercessors and Burden Bearers

You are carrying the load as an intercessor—standing in the gap. It is heavy, not fully understood by others, a lonely road, and sometimes overwhelming, but in the long run, rewarding!
Balancing and knowing what we can’t control vs. what we can control is very difficult at times. It can create an overwhelming sense of anxiety. Can you relate? So what should we do?
During those times, we must totally rely on JESUS, taking those cares and concerns to Him and leaving them there, trusting His peace, presence, and power to see us through the things (people—loved ones) we can’t control. That’s the hard part! This is a major challenge because most of us are fixers! We want to fix others’ problems, and often, we cannot.
Sometimes, they mess up. Then, we need to be there to pick them up, to love them while giving them spiritual guidance. This is God’s will. Our Heavenly Father does the same for us.
So bless His name! His grace is sufficient—no matter what—knowing that His goodness and grace abound brings comfort and confidence to fight against our fears while feeding our faith.
Remember that our Lord is working on us through this calling to be an intercessor. He is teaching us to trust Him more! He is carrying us through experiences that we cannot control. But in the end, He is conforming us into His image. As we decrease and He increases, His life shines through our weaknesses.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” (John 12:24)
Much like a grain of wheat before being planted is useless. Yet, when planted in the ground, it goes through the process of the hard outer shell (self) being cracked open, and the life of the plant begins to germinate. Jesus Christ spoke of a grain of wheat dying and producing fruit—even though He was referring to His own death. However, the same principle applies to us—death to self (the flesh).
So take some time to let your mind wind down (walking outside, enjoying His creation, etc.). Remember, Jesus told His disciples to “come apart” for a while. He knows because He faced these challenges head-on and overcame them. At times, we need to get refreshed and renewed. Today’s stress and pressure can wear us down. Troubles and cares can weigh us down.
But that is what distinguishes a Christian from a non-believer—being able to take our cares and prayers to Him—CHRIST in us, the HOPE of GLORY!
(Isaiah 26:3-4)