The Resurrections in the Bible
Introduction: Here is a brief study on the subject of resurrections in the Bible – primarily New Testament.
1. The Resurrection of Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, and the Widow of Nani’s son! (John 11; Mark 5; Luke 7)
A desperate daddy cried out to Jesus to deliver his daughter from death. Jesus raised her from the dead.
2. The Saints resurrected when Jesus died on the cross! (Matt 27)
The saints in Jerusalem were resurrected when Jesus took upon our sins as He paid our penalty on the cross. They eventually died again.
3. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ! (Matt 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 21)
Jesus arose from the dead!
4. The Resurrection of Eutychus! (Acts 20)
Evidently Paul preached a long time, well unto midnight. A young man fell asleep and then plunged to his death. He was resurrected by a miracle in the days of Paul. Wonder if everyone who fell asleep in Church died??
5. The Resurrection of the Church at the Rapture! (1Thess 4:13-18)
Here is the familiar passage that is dealing with the event called the rapture. The dead in Christ will rise first (the Church). Talk about a homecoming!!
6. The Resurrection of the Martyred Saints! (Rev 20)
Those who have not received the mark of the beast nor worshiped his image will be resurrected during the millennium. Rewards await the faithful!
7. The Resurrection of the lost who have died! (Rev 20)
Out of all the resurrections listed this will be the saddest. Why? Because those who die without Jesus Christ will be thrown into the final abode of the dead which is the Lake of fire.
Conclusion: During this resurrection season, do a Bible study on these supernatural events described in the Scriptures. It will bless you.